Gooseberry – Jahn’s Prairie


Found in Alberta, Canada, Jahn’s Prairie is a high-yielding Gooseberry variety that bears abundant annual harvests of large, sweet and flavorful, reddish-pink fruit.

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Found in Alberta, Canada, Jahn’s Prairie is a high-yielding Gooseberry variety that bears abundant annual harvests of large, sweet and flavorful, reddish-pink fruit.

These attractive, compact shrubs are widely grown and prized by gardeners in many countries. Tasty jewels of our fruit world, the newer varieties we offer are large, sweet and very good for fresh eating, preserves and pies. Our Gooseberry Shrubs are also easy to grow and disease-resistant.

Gooseberries like half day to full sun and well-drained soil. They are self-fertile, hardy to minus 40°C, USDA Zone 3, and grow 2-3 ft. in height. Our varieties are resistant to powdery mildew, the most common disease of Gooseberries.

Latin Name: Ribes uva-crispa
Site and Soil: Gooseberries like full to 1/2 day sun and well-drained soil.
Rootstock Description: these are grown from cuttings.
Pollination Requirements: Gooseberries are self-fertile.
Hardiness: Gooseberries are hardy to minus 40° C.
Bearing Age: 1-2 years after planting.
Size at Maturity: 2-3 ft. in height.
Bloom Time: April
Ripening Time: July
Yield: 4-5 lbs.
Pests & Diseases: Our varieties are resistant to Powdery Mildew, the most common disease of Gooseberries. Currant Worm feeds on the foliage and is the same color. It can easily be removed by hand.
USDA Zone: 3

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